Django Performance Optimisations

10 minute read

In the past 4 weeks, I have been iterating on optimising a Django app, in particular the Django admin, which is heavily by one of the apps I help maintain at work.

When I initially started investigating the topic, many places pointed out to caching. Caching is a great option indeed, but it can lead to a lot of problems. However, for the Django Admin view, caching is even more complicated because it is not about caching the views and URLs - instead it would require custom caching rules and logic, which seems an unnecessary layer of complexity. Furthermore, most of the bottlenecks we experience are related to database queries and the load there, not issues generating the views.

Moreover, these database inefficiencies would not be solved with caching - in fact, they would be perpetuated and just masked behind a cache. Hence, view caching is not covered in this post - but query caching will somewhat be.

This post details the main tips and takeaways of my experience in this adventure, summarising my learnings while working on this.

Tip 1 - django-debug-toolbar is a great companion

Whether you have access to other forms of application performance monitor (APM) or not, this tool is a lifesaver on many ends. It will help you analyse SQL queries, understand where load times are getting stuck and much more.

The django-debug-toolbar provides sufficient information to get started optimising things without many hiccups and it’s really straightforward to setup and use. It goes without saying but, please ensure you are not publishing the configuration that enables the toolbar in production - that could lead to a massive security incident if your app contains sensitive data and/or is exposed on a public service…

In my endeavour to optimise some views of our django-admin, what I used mostly was the SQL tab. However, occasionally I ticked the other ones too, and the amount of information this tool provides is just great.

A common thing in your models is for them to have foreign keys into other models. This is a basic primitive to translate your data relationships between models.

 1class Book(models.Model):
 2    name = models.CharField(...)
 3    author = models.ForeignKey("app.Author", on_delete=models.CASCADE)
 5class Author(models.Model):
 6    name = models.TextField(...) # let's assume that for multi-author book we can add all names in the name field
 9# In your
11class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
12    list_display = ("name", "author__name")
13    readonly_fields = ("name", "author__name")
14    search_fields = ("name", "author__name")

In that very simple, contrived example what will happen is that for each Book, Django will write another query to fetch the author of that book. As things scale and you start having a few hundred thousand books, loading this page will take 2, 3 or even more seconds because it will perform O(n^2) queries. Not only will the platform become slower, but it will also drain your application.

To solve this, there are two very quick ways really. One is just hackier/simpler, the other one is way more refined/controlled:

  1. Specify list_select_related=True in the Admin model definition, and Django will automatically perform this for all foreign keys the model contains.
  2. Specify which foreign keys you want to be preloaded with list_select_related=("author").

In both cases, Django will essentially perform an inner join query in both tables, thus no longer performing O(n^2) operations but O(n). In some cases, this has been a golden hack really!

Relevant references:

Similarly, models regularly use many-to-many relationships to better specify and explain the relationships between our data models in our programs. Let’s review the example from the previous section and make it even more accurate:

1class Book(models.Model):
2    name = models.CharField(...)
3    author = models.ManyToMany("app.Author")
5class Author(models.Model):
6    name = models.TextField(...)

We’re now ensuring books can have 1 or more authors, properly represented by the ManyToMany relationship and this is particularly relevant/visibile for multi-author books; Now, instead of authors which would have the many authors in the name field, we can create dedicated entries for each author and get them together through this relationship instead! This also facilitates other types of visualisations you would like to do, namely how many books an Author has, regardless of publishing alone or not.

The admin view would look very similar to before, however:

1# In your
3class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
4    list_display = ("name", "author__name")
5    readonly_fields = ("name", "author__name")
6    search_fields = ("name", "author__name")

In case of many-to-many relationships, if we do not optimise we will end up performing also n^3 queries for each book - one for the intermediate table that contains the ids for the many-to-many relatiionships, and another for the destination table (author, in this case), to fetch the needed data.

However, list_select_related will not work this time. For these types of relationships, we should instead use prefetch_related to prefetch the data of the predefined models and do the joining in Python instead and there is no ModelAdmin attribute we can leverage this time. Instead, we have to get hacky and override the get_queryset method for the object instance and since this returns a queryset, we can add the prefetch_related we need:

1# In your
3class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
4    list_display = ("name", "author__name")
5    readonly_fields = ("name", "author__name")
6    search_fields = ("name", "author__name")
8    def get_queryset(self, request):
9        return super().get_queryset(request).prefetch_related("author")

Basically, we are tweaking the queryset the ModelAdmin prepares when this view is loadding and ensuring the author’s table is prefetched. Overriding this method to tweak the queryset will come back again, so if you’re struggling to understand how this works, I’d advise to read more about object-oriented programming and class inheritance in Python.

With this minimal change, our Django Admin becomes n again as it performs one additional query only, to cache the authors table then performing some arrangements in Python.

Relevant references:

Tip 4 - Use count annotations instead of model attributes

Often times, we would like our models to have counts in them, such that we can know, for example, how many books an Author has, right? What could be some of the approaches to this problem?

  1. Create a field in the model that is updated when the its save method is called to increase this counter
  2. Create a method to the model that will get us the count when called and call this method on the admin view
  3. User annotates and counts, making the database work for us and perform these counts we need for ourselves
1class Author(models.Model):
2    name = models.TextField(...)
3    book_count = models.IntegerField()
5    def save(self):
6       # Pretty tricky logic goes here to increment book_count, ensuring no duplicate books, we are only increasing this when added to 
7       return super().save(...)

Option 1 is insanely complicated and somewhat impossible to make it right, hence I’m stopping evolving this hypothesis because of that. Let’s move on to option 2:

 2class AuthorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
 3    list_display = ("name", "book_count")
 4    readonly_fields = ("name", "book_count")
 5    search_fields = ("name")
 7    def book_count(self, obj):
 8        return models.Author.objects.filter(author=obj).count()
10    book_count.short_description = "Published of books"

I saw many cases where something like this was implemented. And although at first sight it seems a good idea, we have to account for the fact this means, for each entry in the Author’s table, this query will be performed. This can put your database under tremendous load, and there is a much easier way to achieve this - option 3:

 2class AuthorAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
 3    list_display = ("name", "book_count")
 4    readonly_fields = ("name", "book_count")
 5    search_fields = ("name")
 7    def get_queryset(self, request):
 8        return super().get_queryset(request).annotate(num_books=Count("books")) # we could even specify a further filter to the count with filter=Q()
10    def book_count(self, obj):
11        return obj.num_books
13    book_count.short_description = "Published of books"

A few things are happening there. If you were not aware, the fields you specify in list_display can be the field’s names or a callable. This means we can define functions to do custom things with the object data returned by the queryset. Typically, this is used for rearranging data, like specifying a function that merges first and last names.

When we override the get_queryset method (I said earlier it was going to show up again), we can use a nice feature from the Django ORM to annotate the response to add new columns to the response - in this case, to have the database do the counts for us in a single query, instead of finding hacky ways to do them, reducing processing impact or database load for a whole lot.

A nice thing I learnt about this was Django is smart enough to do the ID checks in other models. This means that even though you are querying another table, it will do the proper ID filtering for you without you having to worry about that. In the end, I feel this approach even makes the code more readable and maintainable, not just more performant.

Again, this improves Django Admin performance from O(n^2) to O(n).

Relevant references:

Tip 5 - Proper use of indexes field attribute

These tips are not in order, for sure, as this might be a great starting point if you are aware and comfortable about your models’ relationships and querying needs.

The last tip I have for this post, is about using indexes correctly. Previously this was known as adding db_index=True to your field definition, but Django now is migrating to a more verbose/explicit index declaration with Meta options.

Using db_index or indexes meta property essentially creates an index for the specified fields, making queries on them significantly faster and more performant. This is recommended to use on fields that are frequently queried. However, ForeignKey, ManyToMany and fields defined in UniqueConstraints do not require this definition as it will be taken care of automatically.

This change will not imply improving the algorithm’s performance in terms of cycles but by being faster on the actual lookups.

Relevant references:

Tip 6 - Query caching

Although I did mention caching was not covered, I was referring to view caching. One type of cache that can be worked on are query caches, which for functions/calls that perform the same query over and over with something variable does wonders.

This tip is perhaps for a niche of Django applications that have custom commands. Regardless, seems worth to mention this trick.

Imagine you implemented a custom command for housekeeping needs and that somewhere in the code you are running the same query over and over:

1def handle(self):
2    for entry in MyModel.objects.all():
3        another_entry = AnotherModel.objects.filter(entry=entry).first()
4        pass

The above code does nothing but the point I want to highlight is that we can cache AnotherModel.objects.filter(entry=entry).first() query, using functoolscache function - Python built-ins, no extra package, no extra setup. How can we do that?

2def getAnotherModel(entry):
3    return AnotherModel.objects.filter(entry=entry).first()
6def handle(self):
7    for entry in MyModel.objects.all():
8        another_entry = getAnotherModel(entry)
9        pass

For the duration of your custom command, the queries’ results will be cached in-memory and each time you repeat the function call, you will get the cached result instead of performing another query.

The contrived example might be the most perfect one to demonstrate the difference, but often times our housekeeping commands do repeat the queries a lot. This means the filter parameters would be the same somehow, and this increases the load the on the database servers again by performing the same query over and over again.

This idea can however be widespread in other use cases anywhere that performs the same type of queries with variable arguments, like view’s functions for instance.

Relevant references:

Rant - Inlines are painful

Inlines have been a problem for me and I haven’t quite well figure out the next steps for them. If you search for this topic, you will find a lot of StackOverflow discussions on this, most with a bunch of hacky solutions to modify the querysets and such. In my particular case, the added complexity never justified the performance gains we got, but it still might be lifesaver in your case.

But this leads to the point on this section: Custom SQL and queries.

When neither of the above is sufficient, you might need custom SQL queries somewhere or revise your own model definition and setup entirely as something is likely wrong - I’m working on a gigantic database here and these have done wonders. We still need to do some optimisations at templating level and the only tables of our admin views that still take some time to load are usually the tables with more than 10GBs of data on them.

Custom SQLs is a whole different beast to discuss, hence I will leave it out of this post. Regardless, wanted to highlight inlines can be a performance bottleneck, specially if you use them often.

Relevant References:

Thanks for reading, I’ll see you next time.

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